Threading allows you to configure email steps within a Sequence to be part of a single conversation within a recipients inbox, instead of creating separate, individual conversations for each email. It gives your recipients better context and allows them to see all of their interactions with you in a single view.
The example above illustrates threading into a single conversation where three (3) unique emails are displayed as a single conversation.
Enable Threading for Sequences
You can choose to enable threading by for individual Sequences within the Configuration Settings view:
- Threading is only available for our native API Connectors for Gmail or Outlook 365. Threading does not work as consistently with SMTP connected mailboxes - but most modern email clients will automatically create a thread/conversation due to the matching subject line and sender.
- Threading cannot be enabled or disabled once Contacts have been enrolled and moved into a Working status.
- When Threading to Email #1 is enabled the subject lines for each subsequent email message in your Sequence will all use the same subject line as Email #1, as they appear in the same conversation in your recipients mailbox.
- Threading does not cross over to previous messages sent from other Sequences or manual 1:1 emails sent through your email client directly. A contacts enrollment into a Sequence will start a new thread and all subsequent emails in that specific sequence will be threaded into that thread.
- If you enable Smart sender rotation, be sure to only include Gmail or Outlook 365 mailboxes that are using an API connector for your sender group. Messages sent from a mailbox that's using SMTP will not be included in a thread or conversation.
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