The Unified Inbox feature is a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance your lead generation response management, focusing on capturing and centralizing prospect email replies. With this feature, you can access and respond to all prospect email responses from every mailbox connected to Leadfwd, providing your entire team with a single master inbox view and the ability to reply using any mailbox.
Unified Inbox Features
Centralized Prospect Email Replies: The Unified Inbox aggregates all email responses from prospects, regardless of which mailbox or email address they were sent to. This centralization ensures that no valuable prospect communication is lost or overlooked.
Single Master Inbox: No need to monitor multiple mailboxes manually. Your team can view all responses from all connected mailboxes in a single, easy-to-navigate interface. User's can filter mailboxes quickly, including showing replies to only mailboxes they own or shared mailboxes.
Custom Access Control: Response and mailbox access to read or reply can be easily restricted by each individual team member, ensuring users only have access to their own mailboxes and prospects. Expanding access to an entire team or department is quickly accomplished by enabling specific mailbox sharing in a user's role/permissions.
Built-in Prospect Insights: Unified Inbox provides one-click access to the full Timeline Insights report drawer for every prospect. Simply click their name and the drawer will reveal a full picture of your history of interactions with your prospect, allowing your team to analyze prospect profiles, engagement history, tracked activities, and other metrics without leaving the inbox.
Take Action: Empower your team to respond to prospect emails using any connected mailbox. Whether you prefer to use a sales-specific email, an assigned sales rep, or a shared team address, the Unified Inbox lets you send replies from the mailbox that best suits your needs. Flag prospects that wish to 'opt-out' with a single click or add
Organize: Categorize prospect responses based on sentiment, such as Interested or Not Interested. Apply tags to responses to both organized your response history and also automate next steps for prospects based on reply-tag assignments using workflows.
Filter, Find and Sort: Easily search for replies by keyword (such as prospect name or email address) or use advanced filtering to view replies by Sequence, Sequence Purpose, Reply Tag or by Time.
Search and filter
Select the option in the top right and configure filters based on your requirements. Only responses that were generated by the Sequences that match your filter criteria will be displayed.
- Filter by specific Sequences
- Filter by Sequence Tags (assigned via the Sequence Manager)
- Filter by Sequence Purpose (assigned via the Sequence Manager)
- Filter by Sequence Owner
- Filter by Time
Built-in Contact Insights
View a contact's timeline insights from Unified Inbox with just a single click, including their data profile, engagement history and key performance insights.
Categorize Interested, Not Interested or DNC (Do Not Contact)
The Unified Inbox overview screen will look similar to standard email inbox screen. There are several different categories that reply's will be filtered in to based on the content of the response. The categories include:
- Interested- collection of all responses with positive sentiment or intent
Needs Review - collection of responses requiring human review
Not Interested - collection of responses with negative sentiment
Auto-Reply - automatic response detected
Do Not Contact - recipient has indicated they don't wish to be contacted
Downloads - contacts have opened an email with a tracked attachment
The two default categories for sentiment are Interested and Not Interested. Now, these are clearly large umbrellas and do not cover all of the possible scenarios that exist. For example, a buyer that's not in-market today but that has indicated some positive sentiment for the future, would be classified as Interested but with a caveat of timing not being a fit. With AI Sales Assistants this type of response would be classified as Interested, but tagged as 'notnow'.
Reply classification as Interested or Not Interested will be translated to the Sequence report from where the original message originated. Giving you the ability to track total replies, interested replies and not interested replies on a direct Sequence level and comparison of all Sequence level.
By default when AI Sales Assistants are disabled, all replies that are not categorized as 'Auto-reply' will be categorized as 'Needs Review'. You can utilize the option to categorize your message accordingly as well as tags.
If a recipient has indicated their desire to cease all communication (unsubscribe, opt-out, etc). you can select Do Not Contact. At which point the platform will change that contact's record status to 'Unsubscribed', which will immediately end any outreach and prevent any future outreach.
Reply, CC and BCC
Besides aggregating responses from every Sequence and Connected Mailbox, users can also respond directly to prospects using the Unified Inbox. Simply click 'Reply' and the message drawer will appear.
Much like a traditional inbox, you can add team members or stakeholders to your reply using the CC and BCC inputs. You can also add attachments.
We will try to match the same mailbox for 'From' that sent the original email message for your reply to be sent. But a different connected mailbox can reply to any message in the case of a warm hand-off or a user taking ownership of a lead.
Tag conversations and automate follow up actions
Unified Inbox supports the tagging of conversations for both organization, but also for automated workflows. When a tag is assigned to a response, that event can trigger an automated workflow that further advances follow up actions or future outreach.
To build an automated workflow (If this tag is assigned, then do this action) to leverage response tags, select the Tags condition and select Unibox Reply Tags. You can select one or many tags that you would like to target and match for your condition.
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